A Book tag

The TBR tag


I love book tags!
I love watching them on Youtube and I have wanted to do one for a while now.
Nobody tagged me to do this but I thought I would do it anyway so here goes!
(i do not know you created this but shout out to you, whoever you maybe).

How do you keep track of your TBR?
I found Goodreads a while ago now and have been using it and loving it ever since!

Is your TBR mostly print or e-book?
I have a strong dislike of digital books sooo...my TBR is all prints, unless I saved the e-book version without realising it.

A book that's been on your TBR the longest
Ummm....the book that's been on my Goodreads to-read shelf the longest?
'No Other Will Do' by Karen Witemeyer is on the bottom of that shelf.

A recently added book to your TBR
'A Christmas Carol and Other Writings' by Charles Dickens

A book on your TBR strictly because of the cover
I don't read books just because the cover is great. Yes, the cover has a lot to do with whether or not I read the synopsis but that's what the covers are supposed to do right? Draw you in to investigate further!
So for this one it's a book where the cover pulled me in and I really liked it.
'Blackmoore' by Julianne Donaldson

A book on your TBR that you don't plan on reading
Why would a book really be on your TBR if you don't want to read it?
Anyway, for this I'll pick: 'A Plain Death' by Amanda Flower

An unpublished book on your TBR that you're excited for
'A Place at Our Table' by Amy Clipston

A book on your TBR that every ones read but you
'The Hobbit' by J.R.R Tolkein

A book on you TBR that everyone recommends to you
I get most of my recommendations from Lindsey @ BooksforChristianGirls .
So yeah....I don't have a book for this one.

A book on your TBR that you are dying to read
Um..like.. most of them!

How many books are on your Goodreads TBR shelf?

So that was fun, I hope you enjoyed it.
I will be back next Monday with a fresh new post for you!

It won't be about coffee though! *wink*


  1. I am sort of with you on the whole printed books all the way. I have a 4 year old paperweight kindle I just can't stop using. Its so easy to read off and take with me traveling. The battery is sooooo good its mind-blowing. Of course nothing will be as good a good old printed book but maybe one day you'll be swayed;)

  2. I am an "honest-to-goodness-need-to-hold-and-smell-the-book" person...except when we lived overseas and I kept taking up 3/4 of our luggage space with books, my husband suggested (rather strongly) that I get a Kindle. It was truly a lifesaver there. Now that we are stateside again, I still use it, but I haunt our local library and the used bookstore inside of the library so that I can build my collection again. :-)


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