Some facts about the Girl behind this Blog

I feel like you guys need to know a bit more about me so I decided to write this post. I did a 10 things you don't know about me post here. But I didn't cover much so today I bring you......20 facts about me.
  1. I used to go to ballet classes.
  2. I find fairy lights fascinating.
  3. I wish I was born in Summer so I could have a summer birthday party. 
  4. I share a room with my sweet 8 year old sister. I do hope to move into a extra room we have soon.
  5. I don't like being told to read a book, like for school or something. I only really read a book I pick up myself and want to read.
  6. I don't generally read non-fiction. But I want to try to read it more next year.
  7. Currently The Magic of Ordinary Days is my favourite movie.
  8. My room has a balcony connected to it.
  9. I live on the North Island of New Zealand. 
  10. Summer is probably my favourite season. Though I like Autumn/Fall too.
  11. I hate the wind. It scares me even when it's not very strong I always start imagining the roof flying off. We don't even have hurricanes or tornado's here.
  12. I love vintage style. Rustic things, pastels, lace, and pearls!
  13. I don't really have a favourite author. Shocking isn't it? I just haven't found one yet.
  14. I can't wait till I learn how to drive! 2 more years! Just 2 more years, Hannah.
  15. Violets, hydrangeas, lilacs and peonies are my favourite flowers.
  16. I am not a confidant cook. I need to practise cooking more.
  17. I have never had a major injury or illness. Great right?
  18. I love newborn babies and the way they smell! Ok, I did mention that in this post.
  19. I hate it when people burp loudly. It's so disgusting!
  20. And lastly, I have sort-of greenish-brown eyes. Somebody once described them has hazel. I like to think of them as green though they 're not very bright green.
Tell me 3 facts about you, if you'd like!


  1. You're lucky you don't have tornadoes in New Zealand (I actually didn't know that)! And it's so cool that you have a balcony connected to your room! I'd rather share a room than have my own if I get a balcony! ;D

    3 facts about me:
    - I took ballet, too! From age 3-16. I wish I still did it because I absolutely loved it. I just have other priorities now, I suppose.
    - I have dark brown (basically black) eyes, but I LOVE green eyes! So you're lucky there, too:)
    - I've never had a major injury or illness either -- except one, which wasn't as bad as some. I once broke my middle finger on my right hand and, let me tell you, that was enough to make me extra careful from then on! Lol

    Nice to get better acquainted with you, Hannah.


    1. Thank you for your comment Elanor! I hope you continue to enjoy what I post. I did ballet from 6-11 or 12. I do miss it sometimes but I would never go back because I'm not very flexible anymore!


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