Scripture on My Snaps #1

Via StockSnap

So I was inspired by this blog to do a similar thing but use my photos as backgrounds for God's Word.
I had been praying about how I could use my photography for God and I feel that this is an answer!

Well, I hope you found those inspiring or encouraging in some way.
Which do you like the best?
I think I have to say that the 2nd one is my fave! That's the Philippians 4:13 one.

P.S Also this is my 30th post!


  1. The are beautiful! My favorite is Psalm 25:5 one--love that splash of red.

    (Congrats on post #30! That is so awesome!:)

    1. Thank you Elanor! To be honest, I didn't even notice that typo until I saw you corrected it!

  2. They are all so lovely! My favourite one is the third one - the Romans 12:10 one. Great job!

  3. These pictures are beautiful, Hannah! That is so neat that you want to use your photography talents for God. He is the One who gave you your ability, so it's a beautiful thing that you are using it for Him!!! <3


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