A pre-gushing post by Yours Truely

You know when you hear some new thing and it sounds good but you don't really care at first, but then you learn more about it and you go mad?
If that didn't make a smidgen of sense then I 'll explain in English. I had heard this movie mentioned but it wasn't until I watched the trailer when I fell in love with it.
I show you what I mean in a minute. While I was watching the trailer I was smiling so much and the excitement was building up so later I almost exploded with happiness. I can just tell this will be a favourite of mine after I watch it. I already love it!
Now I 'll insert the trailer so that you can see what I mean.......

*squeals so loud the window cracks* (mild exaggeration)
But do you see now how wonderful it looks is! And doesn't Claire have the most stunning eyes!

0:02 "I could ask you to dance...."
0:06 All the looks! Her hair and red lipstick(♥)
0:16 Dancing, it's gotta be good!
0:57 Him and the baby.....awww
0:59 "You can love this." "Yes, I can!"
2:03 "Your life is my life"
2:08 "I don't want to just survive, I want to truly live."

To sum up why I want to see it in 4 points:

1. It looks soooooooo beautiful and the kind of movie that will have you smiling and crying.
2.Claire Foy ♥ (Little Dorrit, The Crown) She is simply lovely is period dramas!
3. It's based on a true story which makes it even more amazing and moving.
4. It's set in the 1950's or thereabouts. It's a period drama movie!

Anyway, I am thrilled about seeing this! What about you?


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