Another Period Drama Tag

I feel like I can't say 'another' period drama tag because I never did the '1st' one. Anyway, I was tagged by my fellow blogger, dear follower and fellow lover of period drama, Elanor. Elanor writes her musings on her blog. She also created this tag. Thank you, Elanor for tagging me! Now on to my answers!

1. What was the most recent period drama you watched? Share what you thought of it.
Jane Eyre. I watched it with my mum. It was.......not what I expected. I expected it to be a bit like an Austen movie. I was wrong to expect that. I liked it but it was sad and a little gloomy. 

2. Do you generally prefer period dramas in the form of a movie or TV series/mini-series? Why?
I really don't mind as long as it's a good period drama!

3. What is your favourite musical period drama?
Singin' in the Rain! Love, love, love it so much. It's the perfect movie to brighten any rainy day!
(The Sound of Music too! It is such a classic! It's truly lovely and I can remember watching it a lot when I was younger and singing all the songs).

4. Read the book first or watch the movie first?
I have normally watched most period dramas before reading their book. Not actually making the decision to but we just end up watching it and then I'll most likely want to read the book. Also, I've been wanting to use this photo for so long!

5. What valuable life lesson have you learnt from a period drama?
What a deep question Elanor! Um, Cake is my one weakness!

6. Which period drama hero would you be likely to fall in love with in real life?
Henry Tilney ♥ Partly because JJ Field plays him in the movie but also because I love his character. He is so gentlemanly, kind and respectful! All things I admire.

7. Do you ever like to binge-watch a period drama series?
Would I like to? YES. Am I allowed to? No.

8. What things go best with watching a period drama?
My family, a mug of something hot, something sweet to eat and a cold night. But these could go with any movie.

9. Which period drama do you think you would fit into best?
Call the Midwife I think. I consulted my mum and siblings and they agreed! I like the fashion around then and all the characters are so lovely! (I was so shipping Jenny and Jimmy but it was not to be I suppose)

10. If you could have any period drama character for a best friend, who would it be? And why?
Lady Rose would be such a fun bestie! We could borrow each other's clothes(I do love her clothes so much, except the first dress you see her in. Remember that one?), go dancing, talk over some tea, have fun with friends. We are both social people and so we would go well together!

11. Show us a picture of a period drama costume you wish you wear in real life.
THIS DRESS! Soft, rosy, flowy, sparkly, perfect! I love a lot of Lady Rose's wardrobe. ♥

12. Are there any period dramas you like to watch during a particular season or holiday?
No, anytime is good for any period drama. Though I would like to watch the Downton Abbey Christmas Finale each December!

13. Which period drama has your favourite soundtrack?
The Call the Midwife soundtrack makes me smile! And The Light Between Oceans soundtrack is beautiful!

14. Dream cast your favourite actor and actress in a period drama of your choosing; tell which parts they would play and why.
Ooh, this is such a hard question! After some thought, I decided to cast Abbie Cornish and Michael Fassbender in Emma. I love Ramola Garai and the others in Emma but it's the one period drama I don't mind re-casting. The actors I chose are not my absolute favourites either but I thought they could pass as Emma and My Knightley.

15. Are there any period dramas you like more than one version of?
Not really. Either I have only seen one version or I only liked the one version.

16. What are the top three period dramas that you haven't seen on your to-watch list?
Breathe, The Man Who Invented Christmas and Victoria S2!

17. Show us a picture of your favourite period drama hairstyle.
Another Downton Abbey answer! I'm sorry but it is one of my favourite period dramas ever!
Lady Sybil has gorgeous hair and I love this hairstyle.

18. What was your favourite wedding in a period drama?
As much as I wanted to say Mary & Matthew's wedding, Amy & Arthur's wedding was also long-awaited. It made me so happy to see them so happy at last!

19. What is your favourite biographical period drama?

A United Kingdom. I love stories, true or fictional, about the whole coloured situation. I have got the book of this but haven't read it yet. This movie is done wonderfully. They are an amazing couple!
And Belle! ♥♥♥

20. Which historical novel will you forever recommend to anyone and everyone?
I keep saying how I NEED to re-read this book! I do recommend to ALL who read this post and those who do not. (Also, Little Women is a must read for every girl ♥)

Well, that was jolly fun! Some hard questions but nevertheless, fun! Thank you again, Elanor.
I do not know who to tag as most of the other bloggers I know have already done this tag.

I tag:
Any of you who have not done it yet!


  1. Oh oh oh! Jackie French!!!! As an Aussie I am THRILLED to see an Aussie book :D Isn't it beautiful?! (and heartbreaking!)

    1. You've read it? Then you understand my feelings right? ♥
      Jackie French is a brilliant writer.

    2. Yes!! I love it so much and I agree Jackie is such a good writer!! :D

  2. Ooh! So glad you did the tag, Hannah! :)

    - Yeah, Jane Eye is a good one, but it is no light-hearted Jane Austen.
    - Aaw, I love Henry Tilney! He's a sweetheart.
    - Ugh, yes! I love that dress of Rose's.
    - I really need to watch A United Kingdom. I've been wanting to for a long time now.

    Anyway, loved reading this!


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