let's be real

Before you go on and read the post, watch the video linked down below ↓↓↓

Right, done that?

Ok. So I saw this video and thought "Yeah, I wanna be like that. I want to not pretend to be someone else on here and mask the true me." You see today, it's so easy to show only what you want to show people. Now I haven't been dishonest here on my blog, but in future, I want to be super open and honest about life. Life is life! No one is a pro at it. Everyone struggles with something. Whether it is weight issues, self-control, addictions, the list goes on.
Of course, since this is the internet, we can't share all our deep, dark secrets. But we can still be more honest.
Waking up, putting makeup on, hopping back in bed and taking a selfie saying that you woke up like that is just not on. 

I am not perfect (obviously).
I get angry, I blow it, I struggle with self-control. I talk back sometimes.
There, those are my struggles. I know that everyone has things that they'd rather not tell people.
The thing is though, that Jesus looks past these faults. Unlike humans, who easily judge each other. Jesus looks at our hearts. If we truly regret the bad things we do, that means we are conscious of the fact that we aren't perfect and know that God is the only person that can change you.

"Soft hearts are the only kind of hearts that God can hold in His hand and mold"
- Todd, Surprise Endings by Robin Jones Gunn

Here's to soft hearts, realness, and honesty!


Here's another 'real' video by another one of my fave Youtubers!


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