Bookish Facts

Every reader has their quirks, habits, pet peeves and things they love. So I have compiled a list of my bookish habits or bookish facts about me!

I am not a very fast reader
It usually takes over a week or more for me to finish a book depending on how long it is, how captivating it and how busy I am.

Most of my books are second hand
In other words, I can't afford brand new books all the time. But secondhand books have history and sometimes they are really old.

I read mostly in bed
It's comfy and it makes me tired before I go to sleep. Also, it's practical because during the day there are things to do and I don't have time.

Digital books are not really my thing
Give me a nice smelling, papery feeling, smooth paperback any day!

I have way too many bookmarks and I love magnetic bookmarks
I have made a lot of my own bookmarks and collected a bunch of Book Depository bookmarks. I love magnetic ones because they don't fall out.

I have to start a series with the 1st book
Do I need to explain myself? It's common sense people!

I smell books
They do have a smell. Old books and new books smell different of course! Old books smell of history, musty bookshelves, and nostalgia. New books smell fresh, clean, papery and new.

I hug books
When I love a book, I must hug it.

I judge them by their covers
Sorry, but I do. That just goes to show that covers are extremely important as they are one of the very first things that make you take a second glance.

I don't like dustjackets
They are useless in my opinion. I always take them off. I mean, why wrap a book in a piece of paper that just slips around all the time? Hardbacks are hard enough to hold without dustjackets getting in the way.

I prefer paperbacks but hardbacks can be aesthetic
Paperbacks are more practical but I'll admit that hardbacks do look nice together on a shelf.

I like to match the bookmark to the book
Yep, I do that sometimes.

Do you share any of these opinions and habits?



  1. Probably naughty of me, but yes, I also judge books by their covers...

  2. Hi! I just found you blog through Danielle Jago's blog.
    You are so right about the whole dust jacket thing. I'm reading a hardback copy of "To Have And To Hold" right now. It is sitting on my shelf and the dust cover is o n my drawer. And I judge a book by its cover and movie.

    1. Well Welcome! Cool to see some people have similar opinions!


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