August Favourites

Wow, August has come to an end already! I am so excited that Spring is basically here now. The sunny weather and longer days have really done something to my creative juices, which seemed to be hibernating during winter and now there are awake and flowing again.


The Beautiful Pretender by Melanie Dickerson
My goodness, I enjoyed this book so much! I have a full review in the works but I definitely had to mention it in this post. It's like the second book its series(Medieval Fairytale series). I have just started the third and final book, The Noble Servant and it is equally as intriguing as The Beautiful Pretender. And the cover of pretty!

Sarah, Plain, and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan
This book has become a new all-time favourite of mine! I found this on audiobook on my library's app and since I'd seen the movies a long time ago I decided to give it a go and get a boost on my Goodreads reading challenge. But I never would have known how much I enjoyed it! I am continuing listening to the series and I'm nearly done with the third book, Caleb's Story. Caleb is my favourite character in the first two!


This month I got into classical music more and I found some treasures! Some classical music just...makes me feel...a way I almost can't describe. Like I'm gliding along a river on a blissful Summer day or floating in the clouds with the birds.
They make me feel light, happy and in awe at how beautiful all the instruments sound together.
My Classical Playlist

Edelweiss by Mantovani ~ I love this song as it is, but make it classical with tiny bells that play the tune during one stage... you have a golden piece of music!

The Carnival of the Animals, The Swan by Camille Saint Saens ~ A gorgeous piece that perfectly imitates swan-like characteristics. It's lovely and might make you sleepy because it's relaxingly beautiful.

And also Claire de Lune, which I have mentioned before.

Summer is Coming/Call the Midwife Soundtrack ~ I have a bit to catch up on with this series but I found the new soundtrack the other day I fell in love with this tune, Summer is Coming. It makes me happy and like want to snuggle down and watch the show.


Belle is and always will be a very favourite of mine. This is the 2nd time I've seen it and I enjoyed it just as much as the first time. John Davinier's ardent proclamation of his love for Dido gets me every time! Ahhhh!
Oh, and the dresses are definitely swoon-worthy!

Birthday Gifts

1. Abide necklace was from my aunty. I love it and wear it almost every day.
2. I'm sooo excited to read the final book in Amy Clipston's Amish Heirloom series. This was the gift from my grandmother(Nonna). And I included the cat in the picture on purpose. She's a cutie! She wasn't a birthday gift though.
3. I got this snug scarf and scented bags from a friend. He always gets me nice gifts.
4. The journal is from my mum. I got it earlier and I've already used it!
5. Another friend, who I have yet to meet in person sent me these earrings from my Aunt's shop.
6. My mum's cute card that she hand painted for me! She also sells prints of her paintings on my aunt's shop.

Other bits and pieces
- Whittaker's Madagascan Sambirano Extra Dark Chocolate 82% Cocoa
I was wary of this chocolate at first because I thought it would be too bitter and yuck. But I actually really liked it! It has a really nice flavor and it isn't too bitter in my opinion.
- This video! Its so sweet and I knew I had to share it.
How cute is that!

And that was my August!

How was yours? Did you discover anything new?


  1. Oh I love Call the Midwife! It really does have a lovely soundtrack. :) It sounds like you had a good August, I hope you have a wonderful September!

  2. Oh, I love Belle. Isn't it just gorgeous??

    1. Oh yes it is! All the dresses are beautiful!

  3. Yes!! I'm so excited for spring too! I was listening to A Million Dreams by Dave and Claire today. It is so sweet.

    1. Yeah, they did it really well and it is so cute how father and daughter sing together. How cool would it be if they still sing together when Claire is a teen!

  4. All your presents are lovely! (Although I didn't send you much!)
    And you're right about the classical music. There's an indescribable feeling it gives you!

    1. I love your gift, although its funny how they basically went on a trip from my aunty's house up to Auckland and back to me!

  5. Great post :) The gifts you received for birthday are lovely!
    Have a wonderful September!!


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