Numbers 11:14 // My Quiet Time Series

Yesterday I was reading the book of Numbers, chapter 11. Suddenly, one verse jumped out at me.
One single, little verse.
It was verse 14 and it said: "I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me."

Now, I'll just give you a bit of background on this verse. The Israelites are in the wilderness and despite having all their needs provided for they complain to Moses.
Imagine that! You are leading thousands of people through the wilderness to a wonderful land and they complain non-stop to you! They say they had it better in Egypt, they had nicer food instead of just manna all the time.
The verse that stood out to me (Num 11:14) is one that Moses says when he his asking God for help.
Ok, we have some background. Now, these are a few things that struck me about this verse and the overall events.

  1. The first thing Moses did was speak to God. He had a problem and he brought it straight to the Lord. It was a hard time for Moses. He was probably exhausted and tired of the people's whining. He knew he needed God's help.
  2. Moses recognized that he was unable to do it alone. So he pleaded with God. This was a great first step, that he realized he needed help.

I personally related with Moses in his cry to God. Often in hard times, we feel as though we can't go on. It's too hard and we feel really bogged down. We say "It's too much", "I can't handle it" or "I've had enough".
We might doubt His goodness and faithfulness. But I want you to know, as I try to remind myself, He is always there working in wonderful ways that maybe we cannot see at the time. And if you stop and look back you will see that He has done amazing things in the past. Turn around and face the future with faith and hope, trusting that He has a great plan to make you more like Christ.



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