Sunshine Blogger Award Tag

Well, I haven't done a tag for a while now so this one was perfectly timed! Thank you, Victoria ( @ Victoria's Book Nook ) for tagging me. I am delighted to do this post!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog
  • List the rules and have the Sunshine Blogger logo present in your post
  • Nominate new bloggers and give them 11 new questions to answer

I am just going to answer the same questions as Victoria! :)

1. What was the last movie you watched (and enjoyed)?
Sarah Plain & Tall for the second time! I have a post about it here too!

2. Favourite summer-y food?
Sorbet or nectarines! Sorbet is soo good and more refreshing than ice cream and nectarines are one of my favourite summer fruits.

3. Last adventure you had?
None! Spring is here, so I am getting ready for loads of Summer adventures!

4. Road trips or airplanes?
I have only ever been on an airplane as a three-month-old and though I have been on long trips in the car, I wouldn't call them 'road trips'. But I would go with road trips because the idea of them and going on them with friends and having fun sounds great.

5. What are your dream wedding colours?
Pastel. Pastel something, whether blue, sage green, pink, or lavender. I really love pastels and of course, my wedding would be too!

6. What song have you had on repeat?
L-O-V-E  by JJ Heller
It's a new one by JJ and it's soo soft and lovely!

7. Girly girl or tomboy?
I'll let you figure that one out....!
(And here's my Pinterest board to prove it! )

8. First celebrity crush?
O my! I actually remember this very well! An actor called Cody Linley in a movie I saw when I was like, 8 (It was called Hoot, bit silly really). I've looked at pictures of him now and I honestly don't get what I was thinking!!! 
(The boy on the left....yeah....)

9. Top three favourite blogs?
To be honest, I am actually really bad at reading other blogger's posts. I either forget or can't sit down and read through them. But I try!

10. How long ago did you start your blog?
Roughly a year ago I think. 

11. How do you feel you've grown since starting your blog?
I have tried many different layouts and designs and found the one I love and which suit my blog best. I have learned that my hands try to type as fast as I think the words and that it results in terrible spelling(credit goes to Grammarly). I'd like to like I write better posts now but that is up to you to decide!

I nominate:
Danielle @ Life is Like a Book

Your questions:
1. The most aesthetic food in your opinion?
2. Dream dessert?
3. Your ideal place for a holiday(real or fictional)?
4. Favourite thing about reading?
5. Current three favourite Scriptures?
6. Name the last song you listened to and liked?
7. What do you most like about blogging?
8. Movie character you relate to?
9. Yellow flowers or pink flowers?
10. A talent you wish you had?
11. Weirdest food combo you've tried?



  1. Ahh thank you for doing this! I loved reading your answers!
    Oh yesss! I remember Hoot. It was the hit movie of my elementary years, hahah!

  2. Thanks for tagging me!! I'll try and get around to posting the answers sometime! :D

  3. Congrats on the award :) Great answers!


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