6 Simple things YOU can do that have Eternal Value

Hello, Wildflowers!
So lately, this topic has been on my mind and it has been prompted about it by some different sources too. The topic of making a difference, doing things for God's glory and changing this world a little bit at a time.
As Christians, we are called to live lives that bring all glory and honor to Him. What I lot of people don't realize is that you don't have to do anything super amazing to achieve this. You don't have to go and serve in a foreign country (if you're called to do this then it's a different story but don't feel like you have to just to be a good Christian), you don't have to be noticed for what you do, you don't have to give all your money to make an impression.

~ The simplest, most mundane acts can bring glory to God if done with the right heart and intent. 

And so in this post, I wanted to share some ideas that have come to my mind of simple ways you can start doing things that matter. Things that have eternal value.

1} Sponsor a child
This is something my parents have done with a couple of children. One of them actually became a doctor and he is now married and has a beautiful little daughter. Though my parents don't sponsor him anymore we still keep in touch.
It's a great and simple way to impact another person's life. I would absolutely love to do this once I get a steady job! There are a few organizations that do it but one, in particular, I have heard about is Compassion

2} Pray
Yes, I said pray. Small word, big impact. Prayer is so, so, so powerful. It's such a seemingly small and simple act but it changes everything.
It is a weapon, a comfort, a personal and beautiful part of your relationship with God and a brilliant way to spend time.
Prayer is also a way to serve others. Praying for others is giving up a small amount of your time to bring requests to God.
I am not perfect at this but lately, I have been challenged to purposefully pray for my Christian brothers and sisters as well as other things, people and situations. I challenge you today to take a little moment daily to pray for people.

3} Serve right where you are
You can serve in your own home. Go the extra mile with the chores. Offer to cook dinner. You get what I mean, where ever you are right now you can find simple ways to go the extra mile and give up your time to help and serve.
Just because I am saying this doesn't mean I am good at it mind you! Most times I would much rather paint or read or watch YouTube videos instead of making dinner, doing extra jobs or helping out elsewhere. But

4} Donate to a Christian ministry
Again, I would love to support my favourite Christian ministries and what they do if I had a regular paying job.
By supporting ministries, you can help them to continue, grow and do even more impacting things.
A few ones that I love are:
Girl Defined,
The Bible Project,
and Coffee & Bible Time

5} Listen to that little voice
You are probably wondering what on earth do I mean! I mean, do you ever have times where there's a little whisper in your mind that prompt you to do things, you might shove it away or act upon it.
(I should mention here that there are two types of "little voice". The evil one and the good one. I am talking about the good one here.)
The good little voice that tells you to go and help that person with their bags, or go and play with your siblings instead of on your phone, or wash those dirty dishes instead of your mum having to do it. The voice that tells you to do those things that you could choose to leave or obey. Obeying it might have amazing results. It might create a domino effect (see the movie I'm Not Ashamed for examples of this).
I hope you get what I mean! If you are confused, I can elaborate in the comments!

6} Invest your time in others
This point is pretty self-explanatory really. Spend your time with others and encourage them, treat them to cake and coffee, pray with them etc. It means a lot when you go out of your way to spend time with family/friends/other people.
This goes especially for the younger generation. I know for me that I want to invest time in my younger sister. To be there for her and support her. As older siblings, this is an important role we have.

Note: These are only ideas. I am by no means perfect and don't always do these things. But I have been challenged to and I hope you are challenged and inspired too.

There you go, people! I hope you are inspired and will take away at least one thing from this.
Have a great weekend!



  1. What a great post! Keep shining for Him! <3

    1. I'm glad you liked it! I loved writing about since it was something I had been pondering recently.

  2. This was very inspiring! They are all very good suggestions. I have been trying to put other people as a bigger priority in my life. A kind word or some time spent really do make an impact.

    1. I'm sooo happy that you found it inspiring!!
      And yes, small things do sometimes make a big impact. That's always a good goal too, to put others first.

  3. Thanks Hannah, I really liked number 5. That is an important but hard to do, listening to the voice sometimes. It was very inspiring to me ♥

    1. I 'm sooo glad it inspired you! It is hard but rewarding most times.


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