A Few of My Favourite Things Tag

Hello, Wildflowers!
Here I am again, attempting to write an intro.....! Anyway, I was tagged by Danielle at Life is Like a Book.
The creator of this tag I believe is Beth at Beth in Boots. So thanks, Beth for creating a tag inspired by one of the bestest (yes, Grammarly, bestest IS a word because I say so!) films in the history of ever!
I will try to put things in this tag that you may not know about me and make it more interesting that way.

Ze Rules:
• Thank and link back to the person who tagged you
• Thank and link back to the creator of the tag
• Write about seven of your favourite things and include at least one picture of each thing
•Tag at least seven people, if you don't know of seven other bloggers just put as many as you can
• Put these rules in your post
• Include the picture above in your post
• Have fun!

My stainless steel bottle
A great investment as it will last me ages! I love it and use it daily. It helps me drink more water and be reminded of a scripture as well!

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Decorating my room
This is the picturesque part of my room. No, the other part is not messy! But it is in disorder because of some rearranging. 
One of my favourite things to do is DIY things for my room, thrift decor to put in it and make it pretty and cosy. It's a way to unleash my creativity in a space all of my own!

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My Bible & spending time reading it
What more can I say? I love this from the bottom of my heart! It is filled with all the wisdom and truth one needs for more than an entire lifetime! 
On a normal morning, having my quiet time is the first thing I do when I wake up(after waking myself up of course!).

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These earrings
I have lost count of the times I have worn this pair of earrings. I got them from a stall a market in my town for only $4! I love wearing them. I would love to build a collection of pretty jewelry that just goes with so many outfits and that I love. #goal All that's to say, these are a go-to pair of earrings for me!

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Signed, Sealed, Delivered
This is the perfect show to sit and watch whilst curled up with family and sipping a cup of tea (which is really what you do with most movies). There will be giggles, fuzzy feelings, occasional tear spillage, and lots of mail! 
I highly recommend this Hallmark series. It is and will remain to be a very fave of mine as far as movies go.

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River swims
A cool, natural river beats any man-made swimming pool in my opinion. I am sooo looking forward to going to the river near us on 26 degrees up days this Summer!
The water in a river just feels (this might sound weird guys but I promise I haven't lost my mind) more beautiful than at a public pool. Plus there aren't chemicals in the water, it's just clear and clean.

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Lace ♥
Ahhhh! Lace is one of the most beautiful creations man has ever made. Lace on my wedding dress will be a must!
The tiniest bit adds such lovely and quaint touch to a garment. That's all I have to say, I hope I have made my point! I'TS GORGEOUS OKAY!

I tag all of you who have a blog! I look forward to seeing your answers!



  1. I love your favorite things! My stainless steel water bottle I got from college a few years ago and it pretty much goes where I go. Also, I've been wanting to see Signed Sealed and Delivered for awhile now. It's on my To-be-watched list!

  2. Fun tag! I really like your room! And Lace is very pretty! :)

  3. Have to say that I COMPLETELY agree with you about swimming in a river. It just feels so much more clean!!!

    1. Ooooh yes! I like don't want to go near a pool now, but there could be a few exeptions to that!

    2. yeah, just a few select...


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