Christian movies that inspire me

I for one, quite enjoy curling up on the couch to watch a period drama or chick flick that give you the warm and fuzzies (and that's okay!), but sometimes a good thought-provoking and an encouraging movie is good too.
Lately, I have seen a few movies that have left me wanting to change something about my life and I wanted to share and recommend them to you.

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War Room {2015}
Whenever I watch this movie, because I have seen it multiple time because I like it so much, I feel encouraged to develop my prayer life and pray more often. I love that prayer is a weapon and in this film, they learn to use it in the spiritual battle and restore their family.
"Lord, raise up warriors who will fight on their knees, who will worship You with their whole hearts"
- War Room

Risen {2016}
This is a really good movie! It portrays Jesus' death and resurrection through the eyes of a military tribune. The setting is epic, characters diverse and overall I think it's great!
Also, it is a perfect movie to watch around Easter!

I'm Not Ashamed {2016}
Oh my! This movie is so inspiring and so devastating at the same time! I think ALL young people should see this movie. It made me not want to waste a moment and go out and TELL PEOPLE THE GOOD NEWS! To show the world His love and His light!
It is based on the true story of Rachel Joy Scott and the Columbine shooting, so it is also a tearjerker.

God's Not Dead {2014}
The first God's Not Dead film is my personal favourite and I think it is better than the following two.
I haven't actually seen it in a wee while but I remember liking it a lot. I believe as young people and teens, we should speak boldly God's truth and stand up for our faith in the age that we live in. This film addresses that.
Overall it is s good watch!

Fireproof {2008}
The best for last? Possibly. I did really like this one a lot!
It focuses on love, not only love in marriage but Christ-like love in general. One of my favourite lines in this movie is: "How am I supposed to show love to somebody over and over and over who constantly rejects me?"
It brought tears to my eyes because that is how Jesus loves us!
Some more of the great quotes from this film can be found here.

So, what do you think, which is your favourite?



  1. I've seen almost all of these! The Kendrick brothers do a fantastic job at making movies -- just brilliant!!!! <3 <3 <3

    1. I still have a few of their films to watch but I have enjoyed them so far.

  2. I have seen all of these movies and really like them.
    Fireproof is my fav though 😊


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