The Empty Tomb / A Short Story

Images from Pinterest, collage made by me

The crisp air fills my lungs as we make our way to the tomb. The sun is barely over the horizon but I have been up for hours.

As I carefully navigate my steps across the uneven ground, my mind reflects on the events of the past few days which have gone by in a blur. Was it all an awful dream? Had they really crucified Him? 

Yes, it is all true. All of it really happened. It is all everyone is talking about.
I can hear the other women speaking in hushed tones behind me saying "Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?", as they carry the spices to anoint the body with, but I am not really listening.

He was my dearest friend. He saw behind the shame, the hurt and the brokenness. He knew who I really was, Mary Magdalene.
In my mind, I hear His gentle voice call my name and I smile. How I love Him!
He was unlike anyone I have ever met. He saved my life. He was Jesus the Messiah!

I look up and see the tomb in the distance. Almost there. How we were going to get into the tomb I did not know. The stone would be too heavy for even all of us to move together. The Lord will take care of it, I 'm sure, I think to myself.
The sun is now glittering on the droplets of dew hanging on every leaf and blade of grass making the edge of my garments damp.

I reach the tomb first and I stop abruptly at what I see before me.  The stone was rolled away!
"Come," I call to the women following me, "See, the stone has been moved!"
I wait for them to join me at the mouth of the tomb.

We all step inside and yet another sight met my eyes. It is empty.
Questions fill my mind, Where is He? Has the body been stolen? Did the soldiers take Him away?

Suddenly a bright light pierced the dimness in the tomb, and a man stood there. We all gasped in fright and bowed our faces to shield our eyes from the dazzling light.

Then the man started to speak.
"Why do ye seek the living among the dead? He is not here but has risen. Remember how He told you, while He was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third-day rise."

I did remember what He told us, but it did not make sense at the time.

The man continued, "But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. 
There you will see Him, just as He told you."

We all ran out of the tomb then. The women who were with me fled, trembling with astonishment. But I stopped running after covering some distance from the tomb and sat down heavily on a thick log.
The tears began flowing and I let them. I buried my tear-streaked face into my hands and my body heaved and shook as I sobbed.
As I took a breath and paused, I heard a sound to my right. Through my blurred vision, I saw a man standing a few paces away. Probably the gardener.
"Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?" he asked.

Wiping my face, I quickly sais "They have taken away my Lord. Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away."

He stepped closer to me and looked at me through kind eyes. "Mary" 
There it was! My name, spoken in that gentle voice I knew.
"Rabboni!" I returned, honoured that He would choose to speak to me before anyone else.

Then He told me to share the good news with the disciples and I did.
I ran as fast my weary legs would allow, stumbling occasionally on a loose stone. My heart felt as if it would burst will happiness and joy! He was alive!
When I found the group of disciples, I was breathless but still, I exclaimed: "I have seen the Lord!"


 ~ • ~ • ~

This little story is only my imagining what it may have been like, seeing through Mary Magdalene's eyes. 
I have based most of it on the accounts from Luke 24 & John 20. 

I am fascinated with Mary Magdalene, her story and her role in the Easter story and so decided to use her as the window into the Ressurection. 

I hope you enjoyed this short story.

Have a blessed Easter!


We deserve to be condemned, for we're just being repaid for what we've done. But this man--he's done nothing wrong. ~ Luke 23:41 TPT

For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again.
No one takes it from me, but I lay it down willingly. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father. ~ John 10:17-18


  1. Wow! I love this story Hannah! It feels more personalized in a way.

    1. Thanks a lot! I'm so glad you liked it!


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