Author Q & A with Kara Linaburg!

created by yours truly

Hello, darlings!

Today I am here with a very exciting post, where I am interviewing author Kara Linaburg in honour of the release of her first book The Broken Prince, earlier this month.

In all the fairy tales the maiden falls in love with the prince...but she has to remember that this isn't a fairytale.

I asked Kara some fun questions and here she is answering them. All the info on her book, blog etc will be linked at the end of this post!

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Hannah: Hi Kara, I'm so glad to have you here on my blog! Thanks for taking the time to answer some questions about your brand new book. I'll start off by asking you to tell us a bit about yourself!

Kara: Hey Hannah!!! Thanks so much for having me-- I'm so excited to do this!
So yeah, hi I'm Kara Linaburg, going by Kara Lynn in the internet world. I love deep conversations, good books, and making friends and as cliche, as it sounds, walks on the beach...or mountains or basically nature.
My love language is time and when people spend time with me despite their busy lives, I'll literally be the happiest human ever. I work at Panera part time, live at home with the best seven people in the world, and I'm always up for a good adventure.

Hannah: That's great! So, have you always wanted to be an author?

Kara: Basically. Writing is in my DNA, I don't remember a time I haven't been itching to write. I would spend hours telling stories to my (at the time, only younger sister), and later learned to put pen to paper...and eventually words inside my laptop.
I have blogged for over seven and I just love words and stories. There's something special about connecting over a book and I hope people get the same experience with what I write.

Hannah: Mmm, connecting over a book is special! Where did the inspiration for this book come from?

Kara: WOW. I don't even really remember...I had just entered the Lord of the Rings fandom, and high fantasy, as well as lighter reads, interested me so much in Junior High and early High School.
I could have fire coming out my characters hands, a sorceress could destroy lives, and a medallion could decide the fate of the kingdom. Plus at the time of writing The Broken Prince, I was really struggling to figure out my own emotions.
I was unhealthy mentally and writing was my way to cope, to process, and to basically share with people, "this is how I feel." While I love to talk and would label myself an extrovert, I am socially awkward. I would rather play behind the scenes, and writing this book in a way allowed for that.
I was only about sixteen going on seventeen at the time. I saw fantasy as also an escape out of my own world, like Harry Potter, Narnia, LOTR, Star Wars--all of them inspired me to create my own world but indefinitely a lighter plot.
It's really a wonderful feeling that any good book can give you--the chance to escape into a whole new world of your own design.

Hannah: Are you planning on writing a sequel?

Kara: I would love to! The people who have read my book so far have asked for that and I'm planning on trying. We shall see...I don't think Milosh and Serena are done yet, but I would love to find me a good brainstormer!
I'm terrified of writing more though because so far people have liked it...I don't want to disappoint and there's always that possibility when writing a sequel.

Hannah: I suppose there is that pressure on an author to continue to impress their readers and measure up to their previous works. How would you describe The Broken Prince in three words?

Kara: Hope in darkness.

Hannah: Now for some fun questions! What is your favourite food?

Kara: PIZZA! I try to go for healthier options but pizza is basically king. I also love tacos and Chinese...I don't eat out a lot so eating Chinese always makes me happy.

Hannah: I agree pizza is the best! Can you tell us what your favourite Bible verse is right now?

Kara: Basically Isaiah 61 is such a chapter of hope, and I love that part where God promises to give us who mourn and despair, who feel the weight of our brokenness, beauty in the ashes.
It's such a testament of hope for me. When I get brave enough, I plan eventually getting a tattoo that represents this verse. Beauty in brokenness has been my life's theme in these last years and I love it so much.

Hannah: Thanks for sharing with me! To close off can you tell me what message are you hoping to get across to your readers?

Kara: That you are never alone. That you are loved. That your past, present, future, does not define you. Your fears and anxieties lie to you. You are not who you say you are--you are defined by the One who created you.
And He says that you are beautiful. There is hope in the darkness. I don't know what kind of hell the people who have read my book can say they've seen or gone through, but we all have our demons. And I want them to know that they are never alone in any of it.

Thanks so much for having me, Hannah. It's been amazing and such a blessing to do this!

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There you have it, folks!

Kara documents life and expresses her love of writing more on her blog, Beautifully Broken.

If you are interested in her book check it out on Goodreads or to purchase your own copy it is now available on Amazon!

Keep on blooming darlings,



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