Love Defined ~ A Book Review

Hello darlings!

It's time for another book review!

I read Kristen & Bethany's first book, Girl Defined last year and enjoyed it very much. So I was thrilled to finally get my hands on a copy of Love Defined earlier this year.

I feel like I read Love Defined at just the right time in my life. Reading it is like having two older sisters giving you all their best advice based on their life experiences and of course, the Bible.

Love Defined answers a lot of the most common questions asked by single Christian women today. But whether you are single or currently in a relationship, I am sure you will benefit from this book!
Both sisters speak from past dating experiences and give you insight from both the single girls perspective and the married lady's perspective.
The back cover might do a better job of explaining than me!

Back Cover Synopsis
In a culture obsessed with love and romance, why is it so hard for us to find satisfying love that lasts? Maybe we've been looking at this thing called love all wrong.

In this insightful, encouraging, and totally candid book, sisters Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird share a radically better and refreshingly biblical approach to navigating your love life life. Covering topics such as true love, purposeful relationships, sex, boundaries and singleness, Love Defined will take you on a journey to discovering God's good design for romance.

While I loved this book as a whole, my favourite chapters were Taking Femininity into Your Love Life, Five Strategies for Thriving as a Single Girl, How to Be "Just Friends" with Guys, and How Do I Know if He's "the One"?.

Now for a couple of my favourite quotes from the book!

When personal happiness becomes our greatest pursuit in a romantic relationship, all our decisions will be driven by that motivation. Our focus is on getting what we want when we want it rather than on glorifying God.

Instead of being on the hunt for Mr Right, we need to be in the Word becoming Miss Right.

Basically, if you have not read this book yet, I have on thing to say to you.
"What are you waiting for?"
This book is a must read for all young women!

keep on blooming,



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