A Collection of Quotes // Kisses from Katie

Hello darlings!

I thought that instead of a normal book review, this time I would just share my favourite quotes from the book Kisses from Katie.

This book is a wonderful story of how God used and is still using her to make Him known among the nations. I highly suggest you pick it up, it will change you in one way or another.
This post is a compilation of quotes that I loved and highlighted as I was reading.

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~ Thankfully, God's plans do not seem to be affected much by my own. ~

~ Jesus wrecked my life, shattered it to pieces, and put it back together again more beautifully. ~

~  have learned that something happens when one makes herself available to God: He starts moving in ways no one could imagine. ~

~ This was one of the many instances when the Lord has shown me that the more I give of myself, the more He fills me up. The more I love, the more love I have to give. ~

~ But so often, when we stop to be kind when we don't really want to, that's when the sacrifice becomes most rewarding. ~

People often asked me then as they do now, "How do you do it?"
The answer has never changed and it is so simple: I don't. It's just a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus. This plan, these "accomplishments," they are so not my own.
I am dependant.
While those adjectives may sound scary, they put me in a beautiful place, a place where I couldn't go one minute without crying out to my Father or I would sink.

If I continue to preach the gospel, and more importantly, live the gospel, here--even if outward conditions never change or change very slowly--and these people can live eternally with Jesus in heaven someday, a few years of suffering will pale in comparison.

~ Being a Christ-follower means being acquainted with sorrow.
We must know sorrow to be able to fully appreciate joy. Joy costs pain, but the pain is worth it. ~

Even Jesus kept His scars after the resurrection. My stains are beautiful to Him and as I become dirtier and more beat up, I am becoming perfect, transformed into the image of the One who made me.

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I think that that last one is so beautiful! If you think about it, since Jesus became bruised, wounded, dirty and bloody for us, when we are true followers of Him we will ultimately become like this too. But he sees that as beautiful. To Him, it is beautiful because it shows complete surrender, total trust and reliance on Him. We are powerless, but He is our strength.
I just think it is a powerful image to think of. 

I hope these words made you think. I hope that they inspired or encouraged you. 
Please read the complete story in Katie's book, you will not regret it!

keep blooming,



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