Book Recommendations ~ a few of my favourite books

Hello darlings!

There has been a distinct lack of bookish posts on this blog I am about to change that.
I am going to try to answer the question that we book worms dread, and that is (drumroll please!)....... "What is your favourite book?"

Of course, I have a few! One simply cannot choose only one favourite book.
So today I am going to try and narrow down my large list of favourite reads to just a few very good ones I 'd like to recommend!

(And these are by no means in any order.)

Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss
Genre: Classics/Christian Fic/Historical Fic

When I first began listening to this book as an audiobook, I had no idea how much I would love it. I believe it is right up there with Little Women on the list of books that all girls and young women should read! It is written in journal entries and at times almost feels like a devotional. There are so many lessons in this book and I can't recommend it enough.
I must share this slightly comical quote with you!
"Oh, speak plainly by all means! I am quite sick and tired of having the truth served up in pink cotton and scented with lavender."

A Rose for the ANZAC Boys by Jackie French
Genre: YA/Historical

I reread this again this year and I loved it just as much, if not more, than when I read it the first time(a few years ago now).
Stories set during one of the World Wars always fascinate me, even though they were sad times.
This book follows a young woman named Midge as she and her friends set up a canteen for the soldiers who pass through the railway station.
She goes on to do much more than she ever expected. I just love this story!

The Beautiful Pretender by Melanie Dickerson
Genre: Romance/Christian Fic/Fairy Tale

I actually recommend you read this whole series beginning with book one, The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest, but since this middle book is my favourite out of the three I going to talk about this one today!
First off, doesn't it just have a gorgeous cover? It is a fairy tale retelling set in the Medieval time period.
I love the characters and how in each book we get to revisit the characters from the previous book.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Genre: Historical Fiction

Every time I think about reading this book again I get all excited! I'm planning to save it for Summer because it seems to fit with the season.
I saw the movies before I read this and while the movie is great, the book is better.
I am drawn to stories about African American's (or coloured people in general) and their lives through history. (I should maybe write a post about that!) The Help is fabulously written and the characters are really well done too. My favourites would have to be Minny and Celia!

Love in Disguise by Carol Cox
Genre: Historical/Christian Fic

If you can't tell, I love historical books. This is another of my favourites. It is a mystery with a hint of romance. I like that the romance doesn't overpower the rest of the plot.
Ellie Moore becomes a Pinkerton agent and goes undercover disguised as two different women. As the reader, you will worry that she will be discovered before she can solve the mystery keep you turning the pages until the end!

Let Me Be A Woman by Elisabeth Elliot
Genre: Christian Living/Nonfiction

I like this book because each chapter is short and are great to read before bed and Elisabeth Elliot has so much wisdom to share!
This book is full of wisdom on marriage, womanhood, discipline, and the Christian life. I wrote on my Goodreads that I thought it best suited to someone who is engaged or close to being married, but really any woman should read it.
I'd like to reread it in the near future!

Those are just a few titles I wanted to recommend to you if you are on the hunt for your next read.

Let me know if have already read some or which ones you'll be adding to your TBR!

keep blooming,


  1. I've read Let Me Be a Woman. It was a really great book! Definitely highly recommended!

    1. Great! I think every girl should read it.

  2. I have read The Beautiful Pretender and The Help, and I really liked both of them!
    We actually own Stepping Heavenward and a few years ago I read most of it. I should go back to it...
    I really want/need to read all the others that you've put on here!!!!! 😊

  3. Dear Hannah, I look forward to what you will share about books on black people, maybe after you’ve read ‘Cry, my beloved country’. Though that one is set in South Africa, it’s got similar issues as the African Americans. I was deeply moved by the book.


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