Problems that Bookworms have

Hello darlings!

This post idea came to me the other day and I thought it would be a fun, and hopefully relatable to my fellow book worms.
I've compiled a list of a bunch of the problems we bookworms face in our love for reading, because while we love to read and the perks of reading, there are also a few things that bother us.

So sit back, enjoy and relate with me!

when someone else doesn't like our favourite book...
I have had this a few times recently when I see that someone didn't enjoy one of my favourite books or dislikes a book I enjoyed. I t can be disappointing, that they don't share your sentiments for an author's writing, the captivating plot and lovable characters!

 when we run out of money for books...
This is a sad fact. The truth is that we bookworms only have so much in our purse or bank account and sometimes we run out of book-buying money. Then we have to simply walk past the bookshop and glance back wistfully at all the books that we cannot take home, or click out of our favourite online book store to avoid the temptation of adding several to our cart.

when we run out of space for our books...
Similarly to the last point, another problem a bookworm will most likely face is the terrible moment one realises that one's bookshelves are full to bursting and there not a bit of room for another volume.
Time to get a new bookshelf....or get rid of a few books!

when when someone damages our books...
Thankfully this has not happened to me that frequently because I rarely lend people my books but it is awful to receive a beloved book back only to find it is worse for wear!

when we have so many books to read and so little time to read them all...
The struggles is so real folks! We bookworms have so many books we want to read either on our own shelves or on our Goodreads shelf and yet we often have little time to read them all!

when our reading time is interrupted...several times...
I'm sure you know the feeling. You sit down, get comfy, and open the book, only to have someone come and ask you something. Then you settle down again and read a paragraph, then get called by a family member...I'm sure you get the picture! It just isn't your day for reading, so eventually, you give up and put the book down, regretfully.

when the library doesn't have the next book in the series...
Seriously, why do libraries do this? Surely they realise that most people will want to read every book in the series and not just book one, four and five!

Those are just a few of the things I thought of.
Let me know some of the bookish problems you have in the comments!

keep blooming,


  1. Sooo true Hannah!!!! It is a sad day indeed when someone doesn't like the book as much as yourself, y'know? Rachel's opinions of a book vs. mine 😒
    And you know I would take VERY good care of ANY book i borrowed right???

    1. Of course I trust you with my books!

    2. Hahaha of course I know, and I'm glad you do because you have SOOO many good books!


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