Audrey Hepburn Tag

Hello darlings!

When I came across this tag on Youtube I knew it was just the tag for my blog.
Audrey Hepburn is one of my favourite people in the history of fashion, movies and just history in general!
She has inspired my style in the last year or so and I have also enjoyed her movies.

This tag was originally created by Shirin from @shirinatra on Instagram and Shirinatra on Youtube.

Now let's get on with it!

1. How did you find out about Audrey Hepburn?
I feel as if I've almost always known about her. But I probably saw her first and found out about her by watching Roman Holiday {1953}.

2. What was your first Audrey movie?
Roman Holiday {1953} was my first Audrey Hepburn movie and still a favourite!

3. What is your favourite Audrey movie?
Ooh, that's hard! I still haven't seen all of her movies, but so far I think that How To Steal A Million {1966} is high on my list. It's funny, and there is both mystery and romance involved!

4. What is your least favourite Audrey movie?
Because I haven't seen many, it's hard to answer this one. I think from the ones I have seen my least favourite was Funny Face {1957}. I liked the fashion aspect, but the plot and the rest of the film, in general, didn't thrill me.

5. What is your favourite book about Audrey?
There are so many to pick from and I have looked at quite a few. One of my favourites is one I got for Christmas last year called Audrey & Givenchy: A Fashion Love Affair by Cindy De La Hoz.
This book has lovely photos of her many iconic movie looks and talks a bit about her relationship with the famous fashion designer Hubert de Givenchy.

6. What would you do you if you could spend a day with Audrey?
I think I would like to spend a day at her house and sit in her flower garden, eat food cooked by her, play with her kids and talk.

7. What is your favourite Audrey decade?
I'd have to say the 50's and early 60's. Fashion and style from the later years don't hold much appeal for me.

8. What is your favourite Audrey song?
Audrey only sings in a few of her movies so there isn't much to pick from and to be honest I actually don't have a favourite.

9. What is your favourite look from one of Audrey's movies?
This is the hardest question yet! Hmmm...I'll probably think of another one later but right now I'll go with this look from Roman Holiday.
With a simple white shirt, plain skirt and just a neck scarf to spice it up I think it's a great outfit for going out to have an ice cream and enjoy the sights of Rome!

10. Why do you love Audrey?
I love her style, and more importantly from what I have read she had a lovely character and was humble about her fame and beauty.
When asked to reveal her beauty secrets, she said:
For attractive lips, speak with words of kindness.
For beautiful eyes, seek the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with those who are hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone.
What I like about Audrey is that she understood that it is a beautiful heart that makes a beautiful woman.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed doing this tag!

keep blooming,


  1. This is so cool that you did this tag because I just saw My Fair Lady recently and loved her in it! Have you seen it?

    1. I have yet to see that one.

    2. You must watch it!! It is so good! It's a musical so Audrey sings a lot in it!


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