What God Has Taught Me This Year

Hello darlings!

I'm coming to you from our dining table today with Phil Wickham's songs playing in my ears and an empty glass that held my yummy coffee next to me.

As this year comes to a close I've been reflecting on the past year and thinking about the year ahead.
One of the big things that has been on my mind is what God has brought me through and taught me this year.
He has taught me many things, but I want to focus on the main ones in this post.

First off, God taught me that He is fully dependable and faithful. He is so, so faithful my dear readers!
He is faithful to stay with us with each step we take, faithful to provide, faithful to comfort us and bring us through times that we could never face without him by our side.
When I look back this year I can see very clearly He was in which he has shown me his faithfulness and it is so important to look back at be reminded of the good things God has done.

Another thing God has shown me in the last few months is that He is worthy of my trust.
I wrote this post a while back talking about trusting in God and my main takeaway from a youth retreat I attended.
Now I have a small testimony to share that started back at that very youth retreat.
I was asked at the youth retreat if I truly trusted God. I wanted to say yes but I thought and prayed about it.
At the time, I don't think I could fully say that I did trust God, with my life, my family, or my future.
But with tears streaming down my face I committed to God and carried on with my life.

A few weeks after my brother & I had left the retreat, my world was tipped upside down and with it my family's world. We are still in a hard place but as I look back on the past couple of month which have been some of the hardest and most unpredictable of my life, I see that I was in a way being tested.
In a way, I feel that God was asking me, "Do you really trust me even though you are going through hard times? Do you trust that my purpose in all of this is really for your greater good?"
And now I smile because I see that He was and continues to grow my faith and was using the past few months to mold and shape me.

It is one of the most wonderful things to look back in your life and see how the puzzle pieces of random and various events fit together into a beautiful pattern!
At the time you may not see how any of the things in your life have a purpose or connect, but God always has a better plan to make something beautiful out of the brokenness.

Now I feel that I can step into 2020 with full confidence that God will lead through all of it, whether through sunshine or rain, He will be by my side.

keep blooming,


  1. This was a really sweet post! It is really encouraging to see how God is touching others. <3 Happy Christmas, friend!

  2. Oh, Hanni! Such a wonderful, truthful post!
    I want you to know that I am praying for you! You and your family are constantly in my thoughts, and I love you!! xx

  3. My beloved granddaughter!
    I know what trials you are talking about and I am so thankful to see you keep trusting in the Lord in this very difficult time! I have often had the song in my mind recently: Trust and obey, there is no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.’
    Let’s keep on trusting in our Almighty God, in who’s hands we are safe and in whose wonderful presence we will be one day!

    I love you very very much!


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