Let Me Gather My Thoughts on Little Women 2019...

Hello darlings!

It feels so nice to be back at my laptop writing blog posts for your enjoyment (I hope!).
I am quite excited for today's post, in which I will be chatting about the latest Little Women adaptation and comparing it to the beloved 1994 version--which is my personal favourite.

1994 vs. 2019

As previously mentioned, this adaptation is my favourite and one of those lovely films that warms my heart!
It is the one I've watched the most too.
I believe it captures the warmth and charm the story best and makes me want to go back to it again and again.

I'll also admit that I think Christian Bale makes the best Laurie, portraying him as the sweet, boyish character we all love from the book. Winona Ryder is a perfect Jo and brings her to the screen wonderfully aswell.

Overall, I think am quite biased as to my feelings about this version!
But now let us discuss the most recent adaptation...

As I had strong attachments to the older adaptation of the story,
I admit I was skeptical about what this new adaptation would be like.
But I was surprised, and I actually enjoyed it. I don't like it quite as much as the 1994 one but it was still pretty good.

Emma Watson, Saoirise Ronan, Eliza Scanlen, and Florence Pugh were all fabulous and played their roles wonderfully.
It took me about half of the film to get used to Timothee Chalamet as Laurie. But he was alright apart from the fact that he looks like a teenager throughout the whole film, which doesn't really work when they have all grown up, got married and there he is still looking 18 (and Chalamet is actually 24...)!

Aside from that, there was a scene where Amy is talking to Laurie and some of the things she says had a slight feminist edge to them that irritated me a little.

Other Thoughts

This is always my favourite part about period drama films! I'll insert pictures of some of the ones that I rally liked.
Jo's outfit here is so suited to her personality!

What girl wouldn't want to attend a ball in this dress!

This might be my favourite of all of them!

Beautiful dreamy Meg!

Again, Amy has a beautiful wardrobe!
The cinematography and sets were really beautiful and well done too. I loved the scenes in the garden like the photo above and John & Meg's wedding.


The plot was done slightly differently to the other adaptations I've seen. We are introduced to the characters when Meg is already married and a lot of what happens towards the end of the book has already happened in the beginning of the film. 
Then it goes back and forth between the past when they were young to the present events unfolding.
Not sure if that made sense!

So to wrap up this post, I did enjoy this adaptation and recommend it to those who love the story or would like an introduction to the book. But I do highly suggest that if you haven't already read the book go read it right now!

The book is best and is so dear to my heart! talking about it makes me want to go back and reread it.

keep blooming,


  1. Thanks for that, Hannah! Now I just have to source a copy...!

  2. I have yet to see the new one but I lovvvve the 1994 one too!! It displays the book so so well. Loved hearing your thoughts!

  3. I haven't seen the 1994 version but I had previously seen the 1950s version. I loved the new adaption so much!! My mom said she always watched the 1994 version but didn't like it because of the very feministic themes. She felt like the new version wasn't nearly as feministic, which I was very grateful for. I felt like overall the film was very well done and sweet! Thanks for the review!

  4. Would love to watch this movie! I have read little women and good wives and I absolutely loved those.


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