Things To Do When You Are Stuck At Home

Hello darlings!

I was hesitant to do a post like this because I wasn't sure if you would be interested since it is quite a common blog post topic at the moment.
But I asked, and you answered and said yes, so here it is!

These are some fun ideas of what we could do while stuck in quarantine at home.
I wanted to come up with some original and positive ideas to help keep us happy during an unpredictable time.

Personally, I am mostly an introvert and have been home-schooled my entire life so staying at home isn't a biggie for me. I feel for you if you an extrovert and are craving to be with people and around your friends.
But I hope that these ideas help keep you have some fun, stay entertained and stop you from going too crazy!

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1. Have a games night with your family
Now is a great time to start spending some quality time with your family so what better way to that than a fun games night!

2. Reorganize your bookshelf (ideas here)
For my bookworm friends out there, have some fun with your bookshelves and organize them by colour or add some little nick-knacks here and there to give your shelves a fresh look.

3. Do a read-a-long of a favourite book (or a new one) with some friends
I'm thinking of doing this with a couple of my friends and to pick one of Jane Austen's books as a way to finally read one and connect with my friends at the same time.

4. Spend an afternoon creating outfits with the pieces in your wardrobe that you don't wear often
I have been wanting to do this for a while and I think now is the perfect time to get creative with the pieces in my wardrobe that I don't wear very much and find some new ways to style them.

5. Go for a prayer walk 
Go get some exercise and fresh air and spend time in prayer to tell Him what's on your heart during this crazy time.

6. Spend more time in the Word
Are you always making the excuse that you don't spend time in the Word because you're too busy?
Well, now you have time so go spend time with your Saviour!

7. Try some new recipes
I know that for me personally, I have a bunch of recipes saved on my Pinterest that I'd love to try out.
Here's the link to my foodie board on Pinterest if you need inspiration!

8. Have a fun self portrait photo shoot
Get into a cute outfit and take a bunch of snaps! If you have a sister, get her to join in and have fun with it.

9. Write letters to your friends
I'm definitely going to be staying in touch with my friends and to make it more fun I'm going to send some good old fashioned snail mail!

I hope these little ideas give you some inspiration and brighten your day!

keep blooming,


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