Afternoon Tea Book Tag

Hello darlings!

As usual I wasn't actually tagged to do this tag but I found it somewhere and thought it would be fun to do. And it is about time I did another one, which it was I always say!
I love that it combines food and books together because I for one do enjoy having a snack and a cup of tea while I read sometimes.

I think book tags are fun and also a great way to share books that I have read and remind me of books I should reread as you will see!

So, without further ado, let's begin!

Tea - a book you find comfort in
I'd have to say Little Women, and I happen to be rereading it right now. I always find the story so lovely and heart-warming so I love to return to it in movie or book form often!

Scones - something hearty/a big delicious book
I don't often go for big, thick books and this is one of the only bigger books I have read. But I wound't have it any other way because I really enjoyed this one and it even gave me a mini book hangover! Talking about it now makes me want to pick it up again soon...

Clotted Cream - a book you didn't like at first but ended up loving
For this prompt, I have to say a series instead of just one book and it may be a bit surprising!
I love this series now but at the beginning, Christy got on my nerves. But as I carried on through the books, she grew up and matured and I enjoyed them more. Now me and my sister like to fangirl about all the sweet or funny moments.

Finger Sandwiches - a book you like but that's not quite satisfying
I'm going to say Worth the Wait by Karen Witemeyer. I quite enjoyed the whole Ladies of Harper Station series (however cliche it may be!) and I was wanting a story about Ben and Victoria since I was first introduced to them. So when I discovered that there was a novella about them I was pleased.
Unfortunately, though I was glad to have at least a small story on them, it was so short that it didn't quite satisfy my reading appetite.

Jam - your favourite pair/characters who are just sweet together
This is hard! But I think I'm going to go with Mary & Jem from Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell.
Theirs is one of those love stories in which one of the parties has always loved the other but never confessed it. Jem has secretly admired Mary since they met as children and though their story has many ups and downs, I 'd say the ending is quite satisfactory and sweet.

Six Petit Fours - a favourite short story book
I am not sure if this prompt is meant to mean a book of short stories or just a short book. But I am going to say its the later because I don't often read short story collections.
An Eagle in the Snow by Michael Morpurgo is my pick for this prompt. Morpurgo's books are so wonderful yet so short. Yet he manages to write such compelling little stories that stick with you.
I must reread this one soon!

Strawberries & Cream - a dynamic duo
Using Little Women again...because for this prompt I think I'll say Jo & Laurie. I do think that Laurie and Amy make a good couple and don't truly believe Jo and Laurie would have made a good couple. But there is no denying that that have something special between them that is quite endearing.

Your favourite tea cup - a beautiful character too pure for this world
Beth...from Little Women! Sorry, but she was the only one that came to mind and I think we can all agree that her quiet spirit and pure, kind heart is simply beautiful.

What are your thoughts on my answers for this tag?
Do you enjoy eating and reading combined or is that a no-no for you?

keep blooming,


  1. Little Women really is a treasure! I have only just found out that Louisa May Alcott has written a lot of other books. I love her writing style. I love to drink tea while reading, but snacking while reading isn't really my thing...

  2. For Louisa May Alcott books: Get the Librivox Audio book app and you get lots of her books to listen to!

  3. For Louisa May Alcott books: Get the Librivox Audio book app and you get lots of her books to listen to! Would I be able to borrow the Klassen book sometime?


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