Winter Approaches...

Winter is on its way. There have been multiple frosty morning in the last couple of weeks which have been gorgeous and chilly.
Getting up early has been harder too as the inviting warmth of my bed covers implore me not to leave!

This Winter, I want to embrace the season for all its gloomy grey days and look for the beauty in it. I want to use the season to embrace a restful routine and enjoy the comfort of my cosy home.
Winter is not my favourite season but I want to try to enjoy it all the same.

I want to spend my days working on projects, reading, drinking hot cups of tea, and getting outside as much as the weather allows. Fresh air is so important especially in the cold months where the Winter illnesses hit!

All that aside, I have something I am super excited about to share with you! 
I began a YouTube channel!  My first video is by no means perfect but I am pretty happy with how it turned out. 
Let me know what you think in the comments below!

As well this announcement, I have a few other updates I want to mention .

I am going to end my monthly favourites posts and instead put together a post every few months with my recent favourites.
These 'Lately' posts will still include many of the content that my monthly posts include but just few and far between.

I am posting only once a week now, on Wednesdays instead of my previous twice weekly schedule to allow for more freedom and time for other pursuits.

I am not going to stick to a strict schedule for my YouTube channel, but rather post whenever I feel like doing so.

I don't want these 'hobbies' of mine to become habitual and tiresome so I'd rather not put restrictions on myself and just have fun with it.

keep blooming,


  1. I saw your videos and I love them! I totally agree with you and think that that is a great idea, not to have a schedule for your channel as i think for some people it could get quite stressful! definitely looking forward to more of your videos!❤️️


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