A Simpler Way of Life

Recently, I have been dipping my toes into the whole simple & slow living lifestyle. 
The whole idea really interests me and I have been inspired by various Instagram accounts too.
So I have decided to be more intentional to take the steps to choose slow & simple everyday.

In the words of Kaetlyn Anne ," simple living is not something we arrive at or accomplish. It is something that we nurture throughout our entire lives. "
So after learning more about this way of living, I sat down a wrote down some of the ways I wanted to incorporate these ideas into my day-to-day life.

These a few of my ideas:

- pursue full & lasting pleasure in God

- treasure time spent with family

- create a simple schedule--not too overloaded--each day and stick to it

- get out in nature daily

- spend less time on tech and more time on creative pursuits

- help my mum keep our home clean & tidy

- cherish & pour into friendships

- write more letters

- nurture our garden 

- work towards becoming more self-sufficient

It may look different from person to person but these are the ways I intend to pursue a slower, simpler life.

Why do I want to pursue this lifestyle?

Firstly because it makes me feel happy, at peace and I find it fulfilling.
It is also a Biblical way of life. Jesus continually took time by himself to rest and commune with His Father. He took time to spend with others and nurtured relationships with those around him.
In 1 Thessalonians 4:11, Paul writes "aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you. "

The Christian life should not be one of idleness, but of hard & honest work. Paul himself worked to pay his own expenses when planting churches so that he wouldn't have to depend on others during his ministry.

Part of simple living is living in alignment with the seasons. 
" Simple living is living deeply rooted in each season. Simple living is eating seasonal fruits and veggies. Simple living is being present in each season, connecting with nature. Simple living is  slowing down enough to recognize the different beauties that each season brings. Simple living is seasonal living. " - Kaetlyn Anne, What is Simple Living? 

I want to live in a way that is rooted in the changing of the seasons. To get out in the garden in the spring, to enjoy the delights of the summer, reap the harvest of autumn, and turn inward to rest in the winter.

I want to eat what's in season and curate a thoughtful seasonal wardrobe and grow closer to God as I learn to be still enough to hear His voice.

I want to learn to treasure the little things in life and value time spent with my family. I have the tendency to sometimes live for myself and in my own little world (the introvert in me) and not pay much attention to the needs of my family. I want that to change.

I want to spend less time scrolling and more time living and working on creative pursuits like watercolour painting, drawing, knitting, and cooking.

These are the things that actually matter in life not how many comments my post gets, what my Pinterest boards look like or watching hours of YouTube a week.

Friendships matter.

Relationships matter.

My health matters.

My family matters.

Most importantly my personal relationship with God matters and I can fully devote my heart to Him if it is distracted with many things.

I am excited to see where this new venture takes me and what I will learn on the way!

keep blooming, 

xo, Hannah


  1. i love what you said here so much! I've been doing some simpler living too lately, and have really enjoyed slowing down to tend to my garden and flowers and, also my sourdough starter.
    I too have started putting my phone away more.. it has really been so lovely to enjoy life with no distractions!

  2. I love this!! I've been slowly getting more into the simple living lifestyle as well (though I can't really tell if it's a strictly 'simple living' lifestyle or just a more minimalistic lifestyle yet), and I've really been enjoying the process! It's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we forget what's important anymore. So good for you for stepping out!

    <3, Hanne || losingthebusyness.wordpress.com

  3. LOVELY POST, DEAR! Sorry I forgot all about your blog sinceyou started the vlog!


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