February Favourites
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Since I missed sharing my January Favourites, I'm glad to be able to talk about this month's favourites with you today!
Summer is nearly over, I am actually looking forward to the cooler season of Autumn.
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Love in Disguise by Carol Cox
Another good book I found through Books for Christian Girls! I will be posting a full review here and Goodreads next week.
Audrey and Givenchy: A Fashion Love Affair by Cindy De La Hoz
As you may remember, I got this for Christmas and I loved it the moment I saw it! I am currently doing an essay on Audrey Hepburn as a school assignment and so I thought that now would be the perfect time to read this book. Now, I devoured it in a day! Most of it is photos and not a lot of text but still, I read it very fast. It was an easy read, interesting and full of gorgeous photos.
In the Hands of the Potter by Casting Crowns ~ This song is really good and all I can say is that you should listen to it!
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I'll just list the rest here since there are a few.
Worn by Tenth Avenue North
Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me by CithyAlight
Love all Along by htb worship
Always the Same by Hamilton Family
Pirates Medley by Peter Hollens
Control by for KING & COUNTRY
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I mentioned this in my recent movie recommendations post along with some others that I saw this month so I won't go into detail here. But it is a great movie and very well acted and portrayed.
Other bits and pieces
- This message by Steven Furtick about giving your life to God and allowing Him to use it for His glory.
- Zucchini Chocolate Cake is like my favourite cake since I got a great recipe from a friend.
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qotd: What was something that you discovered and enjoyed this month?
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