My 2020 Reading Goals

Hello darlings!

Welcome to my first post for 2020 (that's going to take some getting used to...)! Can you believe that it is already 2020, and a new decade has begun?
I love how the dawning of a new year offers a new beginning and a fresh start which always motivates me to make changes and set goals.
Today's post is going to be on the topic of books & reading, and what my plans for this year are as far as reading goes.

First of all, how many books do I want to read this year?
Last year I set my Goodreads Reading Challenge to 60 books. But when I saw that it was unlikely that I would reach a total of 60 books, I lowered it to 50 and then managed to complete it.
This year I don't want to pressure myself to read a certain amount of books so that I end up rusjing through book to finish them and reach my goal by Dec 31st. Instead, I've set my goal to 1 book so I can just read for the enjoyment of reading and see how many I manage to read by the end of 2020.
I want to simply enjoy reading and not worry about completing a large goal even though I know that I can reach 50 books in a year.

As for my other reading goals/plans, I have been thinking about what kind of books I want to read this year.
I would like to try and read all of the books I own currently and have sitting on my shelves and to have the satisfaction of knowing that I own books that I have read and loved.
Another goal for my reading this year is to read more classics.
A while back, I wrote a post (here) where I talked about how I wanted to start reading more classic books and this is the year I am going to put that plan in action.
I am actually currently reading Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell, and very much enjoying it!

A few of the other classics I would like to try and read this year (most of which I already own)...
- Larkrise to Candleford by Flora Thompson
- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
- Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
- Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell
- Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen
- Good Wives by Louisa May Alcott

I also plan on reading some more Christian non-fiction this year and try to reread some old favourites aswell.

Tell me in the comments below, what is your reading goal for 2020 and what is one book you plan on reading this year!

keep blooming,


  1. My reading goal for 2020 is 50 books because I KNOW I can reach the goal -- not because I don't think I can. I did more in the past and it was too much pressure. I want to enjoy the reading process and not try to read as many as possible. That should never be the goal. <3

    1. That's great Kara! I am glad to be taking the pressure off myslef and just enjoy reading good books. Thanks for your comments, they mean a lot! Keep strong girlfriend!

  2. I love your reading goals! So fun to find another Christian girl who loves books as much as I do! ;)
    -Anita @

  3. My goal for this year is to clear out some of my backlog: I have SO many books purchased or given to me that I haven't read yet, but I just keep getting enticed by new ones. My goal for this year is to read all the books that I've been meaning to, but haven't yet, before I read newer releases!

    Hanne ||


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